Moscow has liked to call itself the Third Rome for centuries and to fulfil such an ambition everything has to be done. Building an empire is one thing, rebuilding it is another. The first is driven by an unrestrained apetite for domination, the other by necessity in a time of need. The rulers of the Kremlin also want to resemble their Roman and Byzantian models with regard to their power over the souls of the Russians and other subjugated nations. The batyushkas love spirituality and religion, either an inherited one, like the Romanovs, or a newly found one, like Ulyanov, or a form further reformed and confirmed by a non-graduate adept of the priesthood such as Stalin.
The religious habits of the rulers and the church are above all heathen ones, mostly unchristian. An example is the Pussy Riot case. Batyushka Kyrill and through him his ruler Putin and through him those who really rule in Russia condemn and punish what is outrageous to their people and desecrating their church.
Not only theologians but also Christians know that Jesus was outrageous to nearly everyone. An outrage may mean that the outraged is a dull, spiritually dead specimen, sometimes a fanatic, or simply a fool. One can hardly recall an outraged wise man.
The desecration of holy places happens, according to the heathens and some of the (pseudo) Christians by spilling two liquids: blood and sperm. Surprisingly, it does not happen by defacation. The horror of intercourse and of murder in the temple are comparable to these believers, which is also surprising.
A Christian has a common name from Christ and by Christ we understand Jesus. Jesus is known to us from the Gospel, isn´t he? If this is so, then inevitably it is Jesus who gives us a clear instruction regarding the meaning of an outrage and regarding desecration.
Unfortunately for the heathens, whether Russian or not, it is easy to find that the outrageous Jesus labels only one thing as desecration – trading in the temple. He cleared the house of the offending sellers, traders, money changers and collectors and overthrew their tables, destroyed their goods and wasted their money, causing disorder among them and shouted that they are thieves in a den of thieves.
The racket and luxury of the holiness dealers reeks from Kyrill and his hierarchy. Unfortunately not only in Russia. Of course, the guardians of the temple business watch their tables so that they are not overthrown. In such a case they ought to call it a desecration and punish it properly.
From the Gospel one can conclude that a whore (even an old one) does not desecrate anything – so much about one of the Russian rulers and his catch-phrase regarding Madonna. Tales of women of diverse reputation can be found in the Gospel. Jesus did not demonize sex either. He did not speak about pollution by blood and murder. He did not hesitate to heal by touch the desecrating flow of women´s blood. He healed a catchpoll´s severed ear, when the unfortunate came to arrest him at night. Jesus did not abhor the body and the hair of a prostitute who wiped his feet with them. He abhored the hypocrites and holiness sellers, pillars of the organized cult.
Punk prayer or any other prayer, song or nudity or any fashion, even a Pussy, or how you like to call it, does not outrage, frighten or (most surprisingly) hypnotize Jesus or his disciples.
published: 19. 8. 2012