
Cultural Journal/Kulturní časopis / Network of European cultural journals, linking up more than 90 partner journals and associated magazines and institutions from nearly all European countries./Sdružuje na 90 spřátelených časopisů napříč Evropou, jejichž články publikuje v angličtině. Redakce časopisu má sídlo ve Vídni.

Russia’s war

When war becomes a reality, time is of the essence. Slow political responses raise questions about underlying reasons for reluctance. …

Datum publikace:
7. 3. 2022
Autor článku:

Not about NATO

It was only after the annexation of Crimea in 2014 that NATO broke off cooperation with Russia. Until then, Ukrainians …

Datum publikace:
28. 2. 2022
Autor článku:

Life as death

How Afghan refugees aren’t offered real solutions More than half a million Afghans were displaced in 2021, adding to many …

Datum publikace:
21. 2. 2022
Autor článku:

Present situation in Ukraine

Dear reader, In light of the present situation in Ukraine, TNP presents three pieces by local journalists „on the ground” …

Datum publikace:
17. 2. 2022
Autor článku:

Pluralizing the mainstream

A pluralist mainstream requires a flourishing media ecosystem outside it. The mainstream has important democratic roles, but catalysing change is …

Datum publikace:
7. 2. 2022
Autor článku:

The stakes of feminism

How Slavenka Drakulić made space for women’s issues in Yugoslavia

Datum publikace:
31. 1. 2022
Autor článku:

The disgrace of French Catholicism

The findings of the recent inquiry into paedophilia in the French Catholic Church exceeded the worst expectations. But despite the …

Datum publikace:
10. 1. 2022
Autor článku:

After Europe: Black identity in Germany

For many, place of birth is an identity keystone. That first point of arrival seems assured, an irrefutable fact. But …

Datum publikace:
3. 1. 2022
Autor článku:

Mutations of science in the pandemic

The structure of pseudoscientific revolutions Scientific pundits fear that the spread of anti-science will destroy western civilization, while covid-sceptics panic …

Datum publikace:
3. 1. 2022
Autor článku:

Memorial and the liberating power of history

  For three decades, Memorial has delivered the facts that have enabled Russians to seek the truth about the Soviet …

Datum publikace:
20. 12. 2021
Autor článku:

A key country

  Osteuropa focuses on the ‘key country’ of the Czech Republic: with articles on the state of democracy and the …

Datum publikace:
14. 10. 2021
Autor článku:

The power of empty terms

Unlike a historical dispute or ideological debate, the ‘politics of morality’ is primarily about power, a concept with American origins, …

Datum publikace:
8. 10. 2021
Autor článku:

Rome and Beijing: Divorce Italian style?

Italy’s enthusiasm for Chinese investment has recently cooled, as transatlanticism, security risks and domestic resentment become decisive factors. The Italian …

Datum publikace:
7. 10. 2021
Autor článku: