O Rusku převážně nevážně
Jan Vacek
28. 4. 2020
O Rusku převážně nevážně
KORONAVIRUS: hledáme fundovanou diskuzi
Give some younger people access to some older technology, have them try to figure out how to use it, and …
Over time, public conceptions of hell have migrated from the realm of religious belief to that of literature and political …
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial …
In both liberal and conservative Western societies, a certain panic is slowly settling in. The traditional wailing of Czech citizens …
“Many Czechs had other reasons to sour on the relationship with China. Investment figures have proved disappointing — Taiwan’s investment …
Six months after the election, the Czech Republic is still without a government. And more than two months after the …
Now, with many Russians feeling their country is under attack from the West, some are invoking the term in solidarity …
Jsme hluboce zarmouceni a zděšeni zprávou o úkladné vraždě slovenského novináře Jána Kuciaka a jeho partnerky Martiny Kušnírové. Vyjadřujeme soustrast …
“The Interior Ministry confirmed on the morning of February 26 that the investigative journalist of the Aktuality.sk website, Ján Kuciak, …
„Ruské dezinformace křiví americkou a evropskou demokracii“, tak zní titulek prestižního časopisu The Economist, ve které se píše mj. o …
Below is an experpt from an article written by Dagmara Moskwa on Eurozine: “In 2015 the 70th anniversary of the …
We recommend our readers the following short commentary published on the Stopfake.org. “This weekend, the first round of presidential elections …
The New Presence recommends its readers the following blog post written by Anne Applebaum. A quote from the blog follows: …
V době oslav masarykovské, demokratické První republiky je dobře si připomenout, jak velká část naší mladé společnosti obdivovala na na …
new easyXDM.Socket({remote: “http://www.survio.com/survey/i/J0K9Q2J8G2R5I2C4S?embed=1”, container:document.getElementById(“survey-ca035e3a”), swf:’//surviocdn.com/s1/static/survey/js/easyXDM-’, onReady: function(){ var shim = document.getElementById(“survey-prev-ca035e3a”); shim.parentNode.removeChild(shim); this.container.getEl Tento článek je exkluzivní obsahPRO PŘEDPLATITELE PŘÍTOMNOSTI …
About the author Stephanie Scerra, Taylor Fleming, Lisa Han, Ariel Smallwood, Adrienne Zulueta